Walsh King’s COVID-19 Measures

While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact each of us on a personal and professional level, the health and well-being of our colleagues, clients, families and communities remains our top priority.

To minimize health risks and continue normal operations, we have implemented the measures below. These measures will evolve with suggestions and guidance of national, provincial and local health authorities.

  • We have developed a business continuity plan, which allows our team to continue servicing our clients;
  • We have transitioned to a predominantly remote-working organization;
  • We are limiting the number of visitors into our workplace;
  • We are hosting client and internal meetings primarily via video and audio conference;
  • We have limited business travel and are monitoring all travel by members of our team;
  • We have a plan for members of our team who may feel ill; and
  • We have increased the cleaning of our offices and have communicated safety guidelines to our team including frequent hand washing, and the cleaning of shared items.

The COVID-19 crisis has created challenges and uncertainties for all of us. We will do whatever we need to in order to promote the health and business interests of our team members and clients. Together we will get through this.

Please stay well.

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